Parent Resources
Forms, schedules and other helpful resources can be found here. Want to schedule a tour? Contact us at any time!
Mental Health Resources
Read Our Mental Health Matters Newsletters
Galileo is pleased to have a licensed Mental Health Counselor on our Skyway campus and registered marriage and family therapist intern on our Riverbend campus. Ms. Ruth Caldwell is at Riverbend and Ms. Caitlin Hilligas is at Skyway. Please reach out to them if you have questions or need assistance.
Skyway PTSA
Skyway PTSA board assignments and contact information.
Board Assignments and Contact Information:
Board Positions:
President: president@galileoskywayptsa.com
VP Programs: programs@galileoskywayptsa.com
VP School Support: schoolsupport@galileoskywayptsa.com
VP Fundraising: fundraising@galileoskywayptsa.com
Recording Secretary: recsec@galileoskywayptsa.com
Corresponding Secretary: info@galileoskywayptsa.com
Treasurer: treasurer@galileoskywayptsa.com
New Parents - Skyway
What to expect, new parent checklist, and orientation information.
Parent Handbook
Elementary Student Handbook
Elementary School FAQs
Middle School Student Handbook
Middle School FAQs
Middle School Curriculum Guide
Car Line Procedures
Welcome to Galileo Document
Galileo Clubs
Important Documents and Links
Other important documents and links.
MySchoolBucks-Creating Parent Account
Seminole County School Calendar
Families In Need
Families in Need Information - English
Families in Need Information - Spanish
Families in Need Application - English and Spanish
Parent Presentations
Child Development Links
Middle School Curriculum Guides
Back to School - Skyway
Skyway supply fees, school lunches, and more information.
Supply Fee
To pay your supply fee for 2024-2025, you can drop off a check in the front office or pay via MySchoolBucks (see links below). Any questions regarding fees, please email Ana Zarzuela at ana.zarzuela@galileogiftedschool.org.
2024-2025 Kindergarten - 4th Grade School Fees: $100 (this fee includes: Annual Supply Fee and Annual CP Fee).
2024-2025 5th Grade School Fees: $125 ( this fee includes: Annual Supply Fee, Annual CP Fee, and Science Lab Fee).
2024-2025 Middle School Fees: $150 ( this fee includes: Annual Core Classes Fee, Annual CP Fee, and Annual Science Lab Fee).
NOT included in these fees:
Backpack (please no rolling backpacks)
Headphones (traditional over the ear headphones best for elementary, standard headphone jack required, microphones are not necessary)
School Lunch
School Lunch: Galileo partners with Seminole County Public Schools to provide a variety of lunch options daily. For the 2024-2025 school year, students will have to purchase lunch if they want to eat what is served at school. The price for breakfast is $2.75. Elementary students will be charged $3.50 daily for lunch and middle school students will pay $3.75 for their lunches. These prices are for standard lunches and do not include extras like chips or special treats that are often available for additional purchase. Students who are eligible for free/reduced lunch must apply and be approved in order to have discounted meals (40 cents) or free meals. Online applications can be completed on SCPSMealApp.com. Parents can pay for lunch or breakfast via check or credit card by visiting www.MySchoolBucks.com.
*If your student(s) arrives late in the morning, please pack them a lunch from home or call the front office to place your order before 8:45 A.M. Unless students are purchasing extra food, they do not need to pay for their lunch.
Handbooks & Curriculum Guides
Skyway Middle School Curriculum Guide 2022-2023
Additional Resources & Handbooks
Dragon Watch Information (before and after care)
Elementary Families FAQs 2023-2024
Middle School Families FAQs 2023-2024
Protected: Current Parent Presentations
Log in to access protected resources for current parents.
Meal Benefits
Information about meal benefits.
Galileo partners with Seminole County Public Schools to provide a variety of lunch options daily. The price for breakfast is $2.75. Elementary students will be charged $3.50 daily for lunch and middle school students will pay $3.75 for their lunches. These prices are for standard lunches and do not include extras like chips or special treats that are often available for additional purchase.
Students who are eligible for free/reduced lunch must apply and be approved in order to have discounted meals (40 cents) or free meals. Online applications can be completed on SCPSMealApp.com.
If your student(s) arrives late in the morning, please pack them a lunch from home or call the front office to place your order before 8:45 A.M.
Lunch accounts can be set up through MySchoolBucks.
Important Reminder: Families must re-apply for free or reduced lunch assistance every academic school year.
Riverbend PTO
Riverbend PTO board assignments and contact information.
Board Assignments and Contact Information:
Board Positions:
Erika Eiland - President president@galileoschoolPTO.org
Kathy Corraliza - Treasurer treasurer@galileoschoolPTO.org
Jenessa Graney - Recording Secretary secretary@galileoschoolPTO.org
Vanessa King - VP1 Programs progams@galileoschoolPTO.org
Janelle Schwartz - VP2 School Support schoolsupport@galileoschoolPTO.org
Meghan Clock - VP3 Fundraising fundraising@gailieoschoolPTO.org
Lauren Marcoux - VP4 Communications communications@galileoschoolPTO.org
Selena Singh - Merchandise Coordinator merchandise@galileoschoolPTO.org
Erin Sullivan - Spirit Nights Coordinator spiritnights@galileoschoolPTO.org
Stephanie Wymer - Elementary Room Parent Coordinator
Vanessa King - Hospitality Coordinator hospitality@galileoschoolPTO.org
Dee McKinney - Middle School Events Coordinator
Open - Yearbook Coordinator yearbook@galileoschoolPTO.org
Erika Eiland - Summer Events Coordinator summerevents@galileoschoolPTO.org
One Year PTO Membership (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024)
$5 Membership ONLY
$10 Membership with Older Version Spirit Shirts
$14 Membership with Newest Style Shirts
High School
Local high school resources.
Seminole County Resources
Important Dates
Magnet Application Period (Including IB Programs)
October 1 – December 1st
High School Magnet Programs: http://www.seminoleschoolchoicesapplication.us
Apply https://scpsflc.scriborder.com/
Crooms Academy of Information Technology
Hagerty High School
Lake Mary High School Program Information
Oviedo High School
Lake Brantley High School
Lake Howell High School
Lyman High School
Winter Springs High School
Seminole High School: 9th Grade Center
Dragon Watch
Information about our before-and-after-school program, Dragon Watch.
We offer Dragon Watch, our before and after school program, from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. We also offer after-school enrichment courses based on children’s interests. Click below to download forms and information.
Located in Cafeteria
Coordinator: Josie Pugh Josie.Pugh@galileogiftedschool.org
Skyway Dragon Watch Handbook 2024-25
Dragon Watch Costs:
Family Registration Fee - $55
Mornings Only DAILY Rate - 1 child - $8/day
Mornings Only DAILY Rate - additional siblings - $7/day
Afternoons Only DAILY Rate - 1 child - $15/day
Afternoons Only DAILY Rate - additional siblings - $13/day
Same Day Morning & Afternoon DAILY Rate - 1 child - $17/day
Same Day Morning & Afternoon DAILY Rate - additional siblings - $15/day
Located in room 130; enter through exterior building door, by car line
Coordinator: Tameka Bush (tameka.bush@galileogiftedschool.org)
RSVP to tameka.bush@galileogiftedschool.org
Dragon Watch Costs:
Family Registration Fee - $55
Mornings Only DAILY Rate - 1 child - $8/day
Mornings Only DAILY Rate - additional siblings - $7/day
Afternoons Only DAILY Rate - 1 child - $15/day
Afternoons Only DAILY Rate - additional siblings - $13/day
Same Day Morning & Afternoon DAILY Rate - 1 child - $17/day
Same Day Morning & Afternoon DAILY Rate - additional siblings - $15/day
Volunteer Opportunities and Dividends information.
We LOVE our Volunteers! The Galileo School thrives because of the wonderful support we have from our volunteers. We need more of you.
Volunteer Policy
Our philosophy dictates that it is important for students to observe their parents volunteering and as part of their educational process. However, we do recognize that sometimes conditions exist that might require an additional source other than the parent to help with the acquisition of the mandatory volunteer hours. In an effort to be supportive, Galileo will allow parents to enlist other members of their own families to help provide their volunteer service. Family members may include grandparents, aunts and uncles, and similar. Families may not “gift” another family with excess hours over their volunteer hour minimum, nor may a parent provide volunteer service on behalf of another family.
Parents must volunteer at least 15 hours per child or a minimum of 20 hours per family who have multiple children. The deadline for completing all volunteer requirements is June 01 of the respective year. Families that do not comply with this policy are subject to sanctions up to and including disenrollment for the following academic year.
Parents and community members are encouraged to help out at the school. Everyone who wants to volunteer must register via the SCPS Dividends registration site at: Volunteer Program Login
Throughout the year, we will let families know when special volunteer opportunities arise through out weekly newsletter. You can also reach out to these faculty/staff members for volunteer opportunities:
lisa.eaton@galileogiftedschool.org (media)
galileoptavp1@gmail.com (PTO)
Dividends Registration
This is for new volunteers and returning volunteers that need to be re-registered each school year.
Recording Your Hours When Not At The School
To log your hours from home, please refer to the individual link emailed to you with your Dividends sign-up confirmation. If you previously logged in hours from home, you can also use this link: Raptor Return User. Once logged in, click on Add Hours and follow the prompts or check out our step-by-step guide.
Health and Wellness Policy
Medication and Galileo wellness policies and forms.
Dress Code
Dress code policy and uniform order information.
A higher standard of dress encourages respect for individual students and others, and results in a higher standard of behavior. Our dress code guidelines indicate appropriate school dress for normal school days. The school reserves the right to interpret these guidelines and/or make changes during the school year. Students are expected to follow these guidelines. Every student shall wear school uni-forms. All school uniforms must be worn properly (no low hanging clothes).
The Galileo School uniform consists of a polo shirt (t-shirt options available for MS students only) with the Galileo School logo from Lands’ End. Pants, skirts, shorts, or skorts must be khaki/tan-colored and without rips of any kind.
Hair: No bandannas may be worn.
Shoes: Students must wear closed shoes at all times. Crocs, backless shoes, sandals, wheelies, open toed shoes and flip flops may not be worn.
Spirit Fridays: Students may wear their Galileo PTA shirts to school on Fridays with their tan khaki shorts, pants, skirts, or skorts. In addition, on Fridays only, students may wear blue jeans or blue jean shorts (mid-thigh length or longer) without rips of any kind as an alternative to their khaki colored bottoms.
Dresses/Jumpers: Girls must wear shorts, leggings, or bloomers under Galileo school logo dresses and jumpers.
Additional Dress Code guidelines: Middle School students who are participating on a Galileo sports team may wear the team jersey on game day in support of their team. For example, volleyball students may wear team jersey on Wednesdays with khaki bottoms and closed toe shoes. At no time, are students to wear anything offensive, immodest, or deemed inappropriate by the faculty. Students out of uniform will be given a written warning for the first offense. If the problem persists, parents will be called and required to bring the correct uniform to school before the child can return to class. A fund will be established to provide assistance to students unable to afford uniforms. Reasonable accommodations based on student’s religion, disability, or medical conditions will be allowed.
Dress Down Days: Once a month, Galileo will implement a dress down day. Students are asked to wear modest clothing that is not deemed inappropriate by staff. Costumes, tank tops, pajamas, tight/revealing clothing, leggings, are not appropriate.
Shop Uniforms
At Galileo we use Lands’ End for our uniforms. Click on the link below and then click “Look up Your School” on the left navigation bar. Either search by school information or enter Preferred School Number: Galileo Riverbend: 900148123 /// Galileo Skyway: 900192550
Back to School - Riverbend
Riverbend fees, school lunches, and more information.
Supply Fee
To pay your supply fee for 2024-2025, you can drop off a check in the front office or pay via MySchoolBucks (see links below). Any questions regarding fees, please email Tiffany Cordero at tiffany.cordero@galileogiftedschool.org.
2024-2025 Kindergarten - 4th Grade School Fees: $100 (K-4th grade, this fee includes: Annual Supply Fee and Annual CP Fee).
2024-2025 5th Grade School Fees: $125 ( 5th grade only; this fee includes: Annual Supply Fee, Annual CP Fee, and Science Lab Fee).
2024-2025 Middle School Fees: $150 (this fee includes: Annual Core Classes Fee, Annual CP Fee, and Annual Science Lab Fee).
NOT included in these fees:
Backpack (please no rolling backpacks)
Headphones (traditional over the ear headphones best for elementary, standard headphone jack required, microphones are not necessary)
School Lunch
School Lunch: Galileo partners with Seminole County Public Schools to provide a variety of lunch options daily. For the 2024-2025 school year, students will have to purchase lunch if they want to eat what is served at school. The price for breakfast is $2.75. Elementary students will be charged $3.50 daily for lunch and middle school students will pay $3.75 for their lunches. These prices are for standard lunches and do not include extras like chips or special treats that are often available for additional purchase. Students who are eligible for free/reduced lunch must apply and be approved in order to have discounted meals (40 cents) or free meals. Online applications can be completed on SCPSMealApp.com. Parents can pay for lunch or breakfast via check or credit card by visiting Galileo’s School Store via MySchoolBucks.
*If your student(s) arrives late in the morning, please pack them a lunch from home or call the front office to place your order before 8:45.
Handbooks & Curriculum Guides
Riverbend Middle School Curriculum Guide 2024-2025
Additional Resources & Handbooks
New Parents - Riverbend
What to expect, new parent checklist, and orientation information.
Parent Handbook
Elementary Student Handbook
Elementary School FAQs
Middle School Student Handbook
Middle School FAQs
Middle School Curriculum Guide
Welcome to Galileo Document
Galileo Clubs
State Testing Information
State testing calendar and practice tests.
Testing Schedule and Resources
2024-25 Skyway campus PM letter grades 6-8
2024-25 Skyway campus PM letter grades 3-5
2024-25 Skyway campus PM letter grades K-2
Principal’s Newsletter
About the Galileo Weekly Newsletter .
Mrs. Nunez and Mrs. Murray send a Galileo Weekly Newsletter every weekend to keep Galileo Families informed about all of our current happenings and upcoming events. If you are not receiving the email, please reach out to them personally at michelle.nunez@galileogiftedschool.org or alysia.murray@galileogiftedschool.org