Dress Code Policy
A higher standard of dress encourages respect
for individual students and others, and results in
a higher standard of behavior.
Shop Uniforms
At Galileo we use Lands’ End for our uniforms.
Go to the Lands' End Shop and then click “Shop By School” on the left navigation bar. Either search by school information or enter Preferred School Number:
Galileo Riverbend (current campus): 900148123
Galileo Skyway (new campus): 900192550
Dress Code: A higher standard of dress encourages respect for individual students and others, and results in a higher standard of behavior. Our dress code guidelines indicate appropriate school dress for normal school days. The school reserves the right to interpret these guidelines and/or make changes during the school year. Students are expected to follow these guidelines. Every student shall wear school uniforms. All school uniforms must be worn so that when the body is standing straight, clothing must cover the chest, back, torso, stomach, and lower extremities from armpit to armpit to mid-thigh.
The Galileo School uniform consists of a polo shirt with the Galileo School logo from Lands’ End. Pants, skirts, shorts, or skorts must be khaki/tan-colored.
Headwear: Hats may be worn as long as they do not cause a distraction. No costume headpieces.
Footwear: Students must wear closed shoes at all times. Crocs, backless shoes, sandals, wheelies, open toed shoes and flip flops may not be worn.
Spirit Fridays: Students may wear Galileo PTSA/spirit shirts to school on Fridays with jeans or jean shorts as an alternative to their khaki-colored bottoms. On all other days, students must wear their polo shirts with the Galileo School logo and khaki colored bottoms.
Out of Uniform Days: Once a month, Galileo will implement a dress down day. Students may wear non-uniform clothing that otherwise adheres to dress code policy. Costumes and pajamas are not permitted.
Additional Dress Code guidelines: Middle School students who are participating on a Galileo sports team may wear the team jersey on game day in support of their team. For example, volleyball students may wear team jerseys on Wednesdays with tan khaki bottoms and closed toe shoes. At no time are students to wear anything offensive, immodest, or deemed inappropriate by the faculty. Students out of uniform will be given a verbal warning for the first offense, unless the inappropriateness requires the student to immediately change. If the problem persists, parents will be called and required to bring the correct uniform to school before the child can return to class. Students may also be given the option to use a uniform item from the donation closet assuming their size is available. A fund will be established to aid students unable to afford uniforms. Reasonable accommodations based on a student's religion, disability, or medical conditions will be allowed upon request.
At no time are students to wear clothing or accessories that convey messages that are crude, vulgar/profane, violent/death-oriented, gang related, sexually suggestive, or promote alcohol, drugs or tobacco, offensive or deemed inappropriate and/or disruptive of the learning environment by the faculty. Students out of uniform will be given a change of clothes to borrow for the first offense. If the problem persists, parents will be called and required to bring the correct uniform to school. A fund will be established to provide assistance to students unable to afford uniforms. Reasonable accommodations based on a student's religion, disability, or medical conditions will be allowed.

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